When I was learning React, I found it very challenging, and my eyes would glaze over any time I tried to learn
Here is a short tutorial that could help you get started. Ultimately, for me, sitting down with a book was what finally helped me, but this blogpost aims to be a sort of TLDR for certain concepts.
Here is a "React component" that prints hello world in a div
function HelloWorld() {
return <div>Hello world!</div>
I like to think of React components as "functions that return HTML". That is a oversimplification, but it can be a helpful thinking tool to help you get started.
component in another componentWe said React can be thought of as "functions that return HTML" but we can also combine them together.
For example, we can create a component named "App" that uses our "HelloWorld" component
function App() {
return (
<p>This is my app</p>
<HelloWorld />
It is common to have an "App" level component, that renders all the other components in your page
Typically, just once in your app, you use ReactDOM to render the "App" level component to the page.
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
And in your index.html you have e.g.
<!doctype html>
<div id="root" />
React components can accept "props" which are like parameters to your component
function Hello(props) {
const name = props.name
return <div>Hello {name}!</div>
We then pass props using HTML like attributes
function App() {
return (
<Hello name="Colin" />
This will print "Hello Colin!"
The {name}
inside the div is a little snippet of plain-JS code. It can be used
to do more complicated things. For example you can render a list of items
function List() {
const list = ['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Pears']
return (
{list.map(item => (
<li key={item}>{item}</li>
Inside the "list" each item has a key prop that is specified. See https://reactjs.org/docs/lists-and-keys.html for more discussion on this
Commonly, React is downloaded from npm using your package manager, but often requires some extra steps to get JSX to compile which is often done by babel. I will not cover a minimal React setup here, but I will recommend a couple setups that make it easy for starting out.
. You run npx create-react-app yourapp
on your command
line, this creates a folder named yourapp
on your computer, and then you
cd yourapp
to go into that directory and run npm run start
. This starts a
"dev server" that runs at http://localhost:3000, and you can then change the
js files, and the results are instantly updated in your web browserIf you are trying to incorporate React into a legacy or existing project, then I encourage you to experiment in these starter kit environments first. It can be difficult to bolt on React to an existing environment in some ways and understanding the basics will help.
I hope this helps you get started with React, let me know if you have any questions.
In the old days, React used "class based components", here is the Hello world example as a class based component
class HelloWorld {
render() {
return <div>Hello world!</div>
The class based components had other "lifecycle functions" like "componentDidMount" and such that do not exist in function based components. In function components, React hooks are used instead.
You will probably mostly see function components instead of class based components these days
The HTML-like syntax may look odd in JS code. It is called JSX. So code like this:
function HelloWorld() {
return <div>Hello world</div>
would get converted to this by babel or other jsx transpiler:
function HelloWorld() {
// null just means no props to the div element
return React.createElement('div', null, 'Hello world')
It's not common to write React without jsx, but as seen above, it can be done :)
React 18 uses createRoot
instead of ReactDOM.render
and is a little bit more
verbose, but I'm going for brevity here
The React learning experience, when it's good, is quite nice. But there can be many roadblocks
You can be bogged down by many different sometimes conflicted learning resources - The new docs at https://react.dev should make the learning experience better.
You can be bogged down by the difficulty in setting up your dev environment - the need to get transpilers and compilers for the JSX syntax and such is not easy, and has led to an explosion of developer tooling that often needs to be run on the command line to do any sort of programming for the web. This is a unfortunate consequence of the web becoming more complicated. Learning to be comfortable with the command line is often an important stepping stone to becoming comfortable with modern JS dev tooling.
You can be bogged down by "tangential" concepts like state management
React codebases often use newer features of javascript like destructuring, which can be confusing for newcomers ("Why does this function have curly braces in the place of the arguments?")
You can be confused by weird concepts like "controlled" components (and how React hooks like useState integrate with these)
You can be bogged down by Typescript or PropTypes - When I was learning React, I was confused by PropTypes in code. PropTypes are fully optional though, and are just used to check the types of props at runtime. TypeScript can be tricky also, and does type checking at "compile time"
The component HelloWorld does not do much, it just does a div. How do you make dynamic content in React? One way is with React hooks like useState and useEffect.
function FormField() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('Initial value')
return <input value={value} onChange={evt => setValue(evt.target.value)} />
This is a 'controlled component' in React terms: we control the value that is
displayed by the <input>
box with the 'value prop' and any time the user types
something, we run the setValue callback, and then it re-renders. Any time a
'setter' from the useState is called, React re-renders the component.
The useEffect method can be thought of as saying: "as a side effect of rendering the component, do some stuff". You can use it to fetch data from an API for example, and so you'd say "as a side effect of rendering this component, go fetch some data from this API". Then you can combine it with a useState and make it re-render after the fetch has completed.
// I use this myfetch helper a lot, many examples with fetch neglect to handle
// !result.ok
async function myfetch(url: string) {
const result = await fetch(url)
if (!result.ok) {
throw new Error(
`HTTP ${result.status} fetching ${url} ${await result.text()}`,
return result.json()
function FetchStuff() {
const [data, setData] = useState()
const [error, setError] = useState()
useEffect(() => {
;(async () => {
try {
const result = await myfetch('/my/api')
} catch (e) {
if (data) {
return <div>Got some data {JSON.stringify(data)}</div>
} else if (error) {
return <div style={{ background: 'red' }}>Error {`${error}`}</div>
} else {
return <div>Loading...</div>