I have worked on a variety of bioinformatics applications including model
organism databases, genome browsers, and data analysis pipelines. See my
google scholar
for publications. Our jbrowse 2 paper was
recently published
which I was proud to be first author of.
- maf2bed - A small rust command line
tool to convert MAF to bedtabix, used along with
mafviewer jbrowse
plugin (2023)
- bam_index_visualizer -
Visualize the structure of the binning index of BAI files (2023)
- secondary_rewriter - rust
tool to add SEQ/QUAL tags to secondary alignments in BAM/CRAM (2022)
- vcfverifier - rust tool to check
that a VCF matches an underlying FASTA reference genome using REF column
- sv blog post - My short
guide about how SAM files store structural variant (SV) information (2022)
#Music players
- ytshuffle - An app to make a music
library from multiple youtube channels (2023)
- fml9000 - A music player made using
Rust and GTK4 (2022)
#Awesome lists
I like to keep track of various awesome or odd or interesting things in these
repos. Please add your favorites with PRs :)
#Coursera classes
#Visual art/code sketches
- guygrrcounter - A raspberry pi
device with a microphone that detects when someone says GRRRR nearby. also
prints out daily star trek facts (2023)
- gratiotquest - Multi-player
websocket RPG where you are a pheasant running around a MS Paint world (2018)
- slap happy - Retrofitted a arcade
cabinet with a raspberry pi (2018)
- github burndown - A shiny
app to plot "burndown" style statistics on github issues (2021)
- githubgraphjs - Visualize your
Github Actions build times (2020)
- travigraphjs - Visualize your
travis-CI build times (2019)
- tumblrgraph - Visualize tumblr
reblogs with cytoscapejs (2017)
- resort - Visualize sorting
algorithms (2017)
- ontograph - Visualize ontology (OBO)
files (2016)

mafviewer plugin for JBrowse 1 viewing
multiple genome alignment of C. elegans

gwasviewer plugin for JBrowse 1

tumblrgraph showing the reblog graph

ontograph showing gene ontology terms

github_burndown chart
showing the closing of issues over time

high resolution export of the logistic map fractal from
logistic_chaos_map (
full res