Misc scribbles
Blog archive
2025-02-23 - Vite library mode bundles your library's dependencies (which I don't think is good for libraries published to NPM)
2025-01-12 - Making a pure-ESM package using `tsc`
2024-10-29 - Begone, superstitious if-statements!
2024-09-18 - Be careful when you rename an optional "prop" in typescript
2023-09-27 - I see that noUncheckedIndexedAccess is false. Did you want to use Record<string, T|undefined>?
2023-08-20 - ~7 eslint rules that will tumble the lint right off your lil sockies
2023-04-08 - Making a static site blog with the Next.js 'app' directory
2023-03-25 - Command line productivity stuff
2023-02-05 - Things typescript didn't catch that should probably be lint rules
2022-12-27 - The devinterrupted'ening of /r/programming
2022-11-20 - The React tutorial I wish I had
2022-10-10 - Handling component state with React...you gotta reset it sometimes
2022-10-08 - Making an audio slideshow with ffmpeg
2022-09-05 - Creating a music player using Rust/GTK4 - fml9000
2022-08-26 - Making a twitter bot in the year 2022 with node.js
2022-08-22 - Using Rust/WASM in a monorepo with create-react-app
2022-08-21 - Photos of vacation
2022-07-29 - Photos of life
2022-07-08 - Watch out for your pinky finger (AND elbow posture)
2022-05-27 - You may not need a bundler for your NPM library
2022-05-10 - Notes on performance profiling JS applications
2022-05-04 - Using find . -exec sed is dangerous in a git repo
2022-03-03 - Cognitive reframing
2022-02-26 - Memoizing async functions so that you don't cache errors
2022-02-24 - Ukraine
2022-02-15 - Back when I was a noise musician...
2022-02-06 - Structural variants and the SAM format - the long (reads) and short (reads) of it
2021-12-31 - How to make your own npm package with typescript
2021-12-26 - My next.js static blog setup
2021-10-30 - A spooky error when you have a string bigger than 512MB in Chrome
2021-10-05 - Jest parallelization, globals, mocks, and squawkless tests
2021-09-05 - Decrease your idle CPU usage when developing typescript apps with this one weird environment variable
2021-08-15 - An amazing error message if you put more than 2^24 items in a JS Map object
2021-07-27 - Do you understand your NPM dependencies?
2020-12-26 - Making a HTTPS accessible S3 powered static site with CloudFront+route 53
2020-12-26 - Making a serverless website for photo and video upload pt. 2
2020-12-24 - Making a serverless website for photo upload pt. 1
2020-07-04 - Challenges I faced learning React
2020-06-03 - Misconceptions your team might have during The Big Rewrite
2018-12-17 - Behind the release - the story of the bugs and features in JBrowse 1.16.0
2017-04-21 - Problems that I experienced with the HPCC
2017-03-12 - How I learned to hate ORM (especially for data import scripts)
2017-02-16 - Plotting a coordinate on the screen
2016-11-10 - Creating a JBrowse plugin
2016-06-20 - Installing clamav on OSX
2016-06-17 - Querying InterMine databases using R
2016-04-23 - How to make your resume.json or resume-cli look great
2016-04-19 - Creating a testing framework for JBrowse plugins
2016-04-17 - Creating a docker image
2016-04-06 - Basic command line productivity tricks and learning experiences
2016-03-28 - Running nginx on containerised travis-CI pt 2
2016-03-05 - On over-reproducibility
2015-12-17 - Cheating in your computer science class by copying from stackoverflow
2015-10-22 - Killing postgres the hard way
2015-10-15 - Tomcat memory debugging
2015-09-16 - Fixing spiky CPU issues and unresponsiveness with Tomcat
2015-08-30 - Weekend project - graphing tumblr reblogs using cytoscape.js
2015-03-02 - Creating high-resolution screenshots (of jbrowse) with phantomJS
2015-02-01 - Post graduation survey
2014-05-22 - High DPI rendering on HTML5 canvas - some problems and solutions